Band 6 Nurse Personal Statement Examples & Tips | Get Helpful Advice from CVLocum

Get a Head Start on Writing Your Nurse Personal Statement with our Band 5, 6, and 7 Examples.

A nursing personal statement is one of the essential elements of a successful nursing application. It is a chance to showcase your skills, knowledge, and experiences that make you the best possible candidate for the course and the profession.

For a band 6 nursing personal statement, you need to provide detailed evidence of your abilities, including communication skills, multi disciplinary working, and evidence-based practice. In this blog post, we will explore some successful examples of band 6 nurse personal statements, highlighting what you should include and how you can make your statement unique.

What to Include in a Nursing Personal Statement

Writing an effective personal statement is important because it serves as a reflection of one’s passion, commitment, and suitability for a career in nursing.

It provides an opportunity to showcase relevant experiences, skills, and qualities that make an individual a strong candidate for nursing school or a nursing position. A well-crafted personal statement allows applicants to convey their understanding of the nursing profession, their motivation for choosing this path, and their potential to contribute to the field.

It helps admissions committees and employers gain insight into an applicant’s character, values, and potential for success as a registered nurse. A compelling personal statement can set an applicant apart from others and demonstrate their genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of patients and the healthcare community as a whole.

Related: Crafting the Perfect CV Nurse Writing Tips, Templates and examples included.

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It is worth mentioning these important points when writing your nursing personal statement:

– Introduce yourself and explain your passion for nursing.

– Highlight any relevant experiences, such as clinical placements or healthcare volunteering, and describe how they have shaped your desire to pursue nursing as a career.

– Discuss your understanding of the nursing profession, including the challenges and rewards it entails.

– Demonstrate your knowledge of and commitment to providing compassionate and patient-centred care.

– Emphasise your ability to communicate effectively with patients, families, and a multi disciplinary team.

– Showcase your dedication to lifelong learning and medical profession development in the field of nursing.

– Discuss any specific areas of nursing that you are particularly interested in or have experience in, such as adult nursing, mental health nursing, or paediatric nursing.

– Highlight any relevant skills and qualities, such as empathy, resilience, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

– Reflect on any personal qualities or experiences that have prepared you for a career in nursing, such as being a good listener, working well under pressure, or being able to adapt to changing situations.

– Conclude by summarising your commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of patients and your enthusiasm for embarking on a nursing career.

Nursing Personal Statement tips

Example of Band 6 Personal Statement:

A Band 6 person statement may differ from other bands as it represents a higher level of experience, expertise, and responsibility. As a Band 6 Registered nurse, you are expected to demonstrate advanced clinical skills, leadership abilities, and the capacity to work autonomously.

Additionally, showcasing your ability to adapt to changing healthcare environments and your dedication to delivering person-centred care will set you apart as a strong candidate for a Band 6 nursing role.

Band 6 Personal Statement Example 1:

”As a dedicated and compassionate nurse, I am excited to apply for the Band 6 position in your hospital. With several years of experience working in various healthcare settings, I have developed a deep understanding of patient care and a passion for delivering high-quality services.

My clinical expertise extends across different specialties, including medical-surgical, paediatric, and geriatric nursing. I pride myself on my ability to establish therapeutic relationships with patients and their families, providing empathetic and patient-centred care.

My goal is to contribute to the enhancement of healthcare delivery, advocate for patient rights, and promote evidence-based practice. I believe that my experience, skills, and passion make me a strong candidate for the Band 6 role, and I am eager to contribute to the team and make a positive difference in the lives of patients”

Band 6 Personal Statement Example 2:

”As an experienced nurse with a strong passion for patient care since a young age, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to join the your team. With a solid foundation in various healthcare settings, I possess the skills and knowledge necessary to provide compassionate and evidence-based care.

My commitment to continuous professional development ensures that I stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in nursing practice. I thrive in collaborative environments and am dedicated to working alongside interdisciplinary teams to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

With a patient-centred approach and a focus on delivering high-quality care, I am confident in my ability to make a positive impact as a Band 6 nurse.”

Adult Nursing Personal Statement Example:

Your adult nursing personal statement should highlight your knowledge and skills related to adult care. Additionally, showcasing your understanding of the unique challenges and needs of adult patients.

Your personal statement should also highlight your commitment to continuing professional development and your dedication to staying updated with evidence-based practices in adult nursing.

Adult Nursing Personal Statement Example 1:

”I have always been passionate about providing high-quality care to individuals during their most vulnerable moments. As an aspiring adult nurse in the UK, I am dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of adult patients and their families in your nursing home.

I possess excellent communication skills, enabling me to establish trusting relationships with patients and effectively collaborate with interdisciplinary teams. My empathetic nature and ability to remain calm under pressure allow me to provide compassionate support to patients facing challenging health conditions.

With a commitment to lifelong learning and a desire to continuously enhance my skills, I am eager to embark on the next step of my career as an adult nurse, contributing to the well-being of individuals in need.”

Adult Nursing Example 2:

”I am a dedicated and compassionate nurse and particularly a nurse for elderly patients. Through my experience as a healthcare assistant, I have developed essential skills in administering medications, providing personal care, and supporting patients with diverse needs.

I possess excellent communication and teamwork abilities, which enable me to establish rapport with patients and collaborate effectively with healthcare professionals. With a focus on delivering patient-centred care, I am committed to upholding the highest standards of nursing practice.

I am excited to embark on the next chapter of my career as an adult nurse in your nursing home and make a positive impact on the lives of individuals in need.”

Example of Band 5 Personal Statement:

Band 5 Personal Statement Example 1:

”As an enthusiastic and dedicated nurse, I am excited to start my career as a Band 5 nurse after completing my nursing degree. With extensive experience in various healthcare settings, including medical-surgical units and mental health facilities, I possess strong assessment and medication administration skills.

I excel in building rapport with patients, families, and interdisciplinary teams, prioritising effective communication. Committed to lifelong learning, I stay updated with evidence-based practices to provide high-quality care.

With my passion for nursing and drive for continuous improvement, I am ready to make a positive impact as part of a healthcare team as that is where my own personal fulfilment lies.”

Band 5 Example 2:

”As a passionate and caring individual, I am thrilled to embark on my journey as a Band 5 nurse. With a solid foundation in nursing education and hands-on clinical experience, I have honed my skills.

I am adept at fostering therapeutic relationships with patients and their families, providing emotional support, and promoting their well-being. Collaborating effectively with healthcare teams is a priority for me, as I believe in the power of multidisciplinary care to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

Through ongoing professional development and a commitment to evidence-based practice, I strive to deliver compassionate and patient-centred care. With a strong work ethic and a genuine passion for nursing, I am eager to contribute to the healthcare profession.”

Example of Band 7 Personal Statement:

Band 7 Personal Statement Example 1:

”As an experienced Band 7 nurse, I am dedicated to delivering exceptional patient care, leading quality improvement initiatives, and mentoring junior staff.

With advanced clinical expertise and a commitment to ongoing professional development, I strive to enhance patient outcomes through evidence-based practices. By fostering collaborative relationships and prioritising patient well-being, I create a supportive and innovative healthcare environment.

I am eager to utilise my skills and passion for nursing to make a positive impact.”

Band 7 Example 2:

”As a Band 7 nurse, I want to feel a high level of job satisfaction in a rewarding field of healthcare, I possess extensive clinical knowledge and leadership skills that enable me to deliver high-quality care and drive positive change in healthcare settings.

With a focus on evidence-based practice, I continuously seek opportunities for professional development and stay abreast of advancements in nursing. Through effective communication, teamwork, and a patient-centred approach, I strive to provide personalised care and create a supportive environment for both patients and colleagues.

With a strong commitment to excellence and a passion for nursing, I am dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the field.”


In conclusion, a nursing personal statement is a chance to showcase your skill sets, knowledge, and nursing experience that make you the best possible candidate for the profession. Emphasise your passion, commitment, and desire to provide the best possible care for patients.

Good luck in your journey towards becoming a great nurse!

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