11 Example Nurse Safeguarding Questions for Interview + Answers | CVLocum

Looking to ace your next nurse interview? No doubt it will include safeguarding questions.. Read through these 11 example interview questions and answering safeguarding questions to help make sure you’re prepared with the right information.

In recent years, there has been increasing public awareness and concern about the safety and protection of children. As a nurse, it is essential to have a good understanding of child protection principles and safeguarding concerns, especially when working in a school or children’s hospital. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and when you attend a nursing interview, it is important to answer safeguarding interview questions correctly.

In this blog post, we will explore 11 example safeguarding interview questions that you may encounter in a nursing interview. We will also include safeguarding interview answers to help you prepare and feel confident during your interview questions. These questions cover topics such as creating a safe and supportive environment for children, identifying safeguarding issues, protecting children from bullying and inappropriate behaviour, and supporting children’s emotional well-being.

1. How do you personally support and safeguard children in your care?

In answering this question, you should emphasise the importance of creating relationships based on trust and respect. It would help if you also talked about being vigilant and attentive to the child’s behaviour and any concerns they may have. You should also have realistic knowledge of relevant authority and understand the school’s protocols around safeguarding children.

Example Answer:

”The well-being of the children under my protection is always my top priority. I take a vigilant and observant approach, closely monitoring their physical and emotional states and proactively addressing any signs of distress. Ensuring a safe and secure environment is a given.

I see it as my responsibility to foster open dialogue and collaboration with the child, their parents or guardians, and the interdisciplinary team to make the best decisions for the child protection and overall welfare. With me, you can be assured that your children are in trustworthy hands.”

2. If you noticed bullying happening in the schoolyard, how would you respond?

Your answer should highlight your duty to safeguard and protect all children in your care, and your response to any safeguarding concern should extend to all children within the school’s setting. You should discuss that you have a responsibility to identify bullying and respond appropriately.

The focus should always be on protecting the bullied child and supporting their feelings and wellbeing, as well as seek assistance from other key professionals in the school.

Example Answer:

”As a responsible individual, I will not tolerate bullying in any setting, particularly in the schoolyard. If I witness any form of bullying, I will not hesitate to step in and take action to guarantee the safety and welfare of those involved.

My immediate response will include offering vital support to the victim, addressing the bullying behaviour, and reporting the incident to the relevant school authorities. I will make sure that all necessary interventions and follow-up actions are taken promptly according to safeguarding policies and procedures.”

3. What safeguarding issues should a nurse be aware of?

In answering this question, you should demonstrate your understanding of the range of safeguarding issues that can affect children, including neglect, abuse, exploitation, grooming, and trafficking. You should also mention the importance of being vigilant for any signs of these issues and report your concerns following the school’s guidelines.

Example Answer:

”It is crucial to be aware of various safeguarding issues that can arise, including child abuse, domestic violence, neglect, self-harm, and vulnerable adult abuse. It is important to recognise signs and symptoms, follow established protocols for reporting and documenting concerns, and work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals at risk. Continual education and staying up-to-date with local and national safeguarding policies are essential to effectively address these issues.”

4. How would you create a safe environment that protects children?

Your answer should focus on creating an emotionally secure setting where children feel safe and supported. You should talk about identifying environmental and behavioural risks that may create a barrier to children’s safety and actively work with teachers responsible and parents to overcome them.

Example Answer:

”To maintain a safe and secure environment for children, I prioritise conducting regular risk assessments to identify and minimise potential hazards. I also ensure open communication channels with children, their families, and other healthcare professionals to address safety concerns effectively.

Additionally, I implement safeguarding policies and procedures, including secure access to healthcare facilities, infection control measures, and appropriate staff training on child protection. My approach aims to protect the well-being of children under my care.”

5. How do you promote children’s emotional maturity?

In answering this question, you should highlight the importance of positive relationships with students, parents, and staff and the role that trust, respect, and effective communication play. You should also have strategies to work effectively with young people, encourage their independence, and facilitate their emotional well-being.

Example Answer:

”Promoting children’s emotional maturity involves providing a supportive and nurturing environment. I would actively listen to their concerns, validate their feelings, and offer appropriate guidance and reassurance. Additionally, I would encourage self-expression through age-appropriate activities, such as art therapy or play-based interventions, to help children explore and understand their emotions.”

6. What would you do if a child’s inappropriate behaviour was causing difficulties in the classroom?

Your answer to these safeguarding questions should show that you have a deep understanding of the reasons why a child’s behaviour may be problematic. You should discuss strategies that allow you to analyse the child’s behaviour, assess the causes, and develop an appropriate intervention plan, which may involve working with the child, their parents, and other relevant professionals.

Example Answer:

”To maintain a safe and secure environment for children, I prioritise conducting regular risk assessments to identify and minimise potential hasards. I also ensure open communication channels with children, their families, and other healthcare professionals to address safety concerns effectively.

Additionally, I implement safeguarding policies and procedures, including secure access to healthcare facilities, infection control measures, and appropriate staff training on child protection. My approach aims to protect the well-being of children under my care.”

7. How do you involve the child’s parents in safeguarding their child?

In answering this question, you should talk about the importance of respectful and open communication with the child’s parents. You should involve them as much as possible in planning interventions, and keeping them informed about any concerns and actions that are taken to support the child protection.

Example Answer:

”I would establish open and regular communication with parents, providing them with information about their child’s well-being, any concerns or incidents, and the steps being taken to address them. I would actively seek and value their input, encourage their participation in decision-making, and collaborate on developing strategies to ensure the child’s safety and welfare. By fostering a partnership with parents, we can work together to create a supportive and safe environment for the child.”

8. What type of questions should you ask children if you suspect they are in danger?

Your answer should focus on the basic safeguarding principles of recognising and reporting any concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing. You should emphasise the need for open-ended questions that allow the child to express their feelings and thoughts in as much detail as possible.

Example Answer:

”If I suspect a child is in danger, it is crucial to approach the situation with sensitivity and care. I would ask open-ended questions that allow the child to share their experiences, using age-appropriate language and avoiding leading or suggestive questions.

I would focus on creating a safe and supportive environment for the child’s concerns to be disclosed, ensuring confidentiality and reassuring them that their safety is the utmost priority.”

9. What would you do if a child disclosed inappropriate behaviour from a staff member?

Your answer should show that you understand that safeguarding principles apply to all individuals within the school’s setting, including staff members. You should discuss the need to report the concern to other relevant authorities and work to follow the school’s protocol around safeguarding all the time.

Example Answer:

”I would prioritise the safety and well-being of the child. I would immediately report the disclosure to the designated safeguarding lead or appropriate authority within the organisation, following the established safeguarding procedures.

I would ensure that the child feels supported, listened to, and reassured, while respecting their confidentiality to the extent possible within safeguarding guidelines.”

10. What attributes should a nurse show when safeguarding children?

In answering this question, you should emphasise the importance of remaining professional, maintaining confidentiality, and being empathetic to the child’s needs.

You should also highlight the need to remain calm and collected in high-pressure situations and work effectively with other key professionals.

Example Answer:

”To safely care for children, I exhibit attentiveness, empathy, and active listening skills while maintaining a non-judgmental approach. Vigilance towards potential harm and prioritising the child’s best interest are crucial. I prioritise effective communication and collaboration with other professionals while adhering to safeguarding policies and procedures.”

11. What did you do about safeguarding concerns at your previous school?

Your answer should show that you have extensive experience in safeguarding children within a school setting. You should discuss how you identified and responded to safeguarding concerns and demonstrated excellent practice in building a safe and supportive environment for children.

Example Answer:

”During my time at my previous school, I encountered safeguarding concerns and took immediate action. I followed the school’s safeguarding protocols, documenting the incidents, and reporting them to the designated safeguarding lead.

I also ensured open communication with the respective children’s parents and other staff members, to address the concerns and collaborate on appropriate interventions to ensure the safety and well-being of the children involved.”


Safeguarding is a crucial aspect of nursing and is becoming increasingly more important in today’s society. When preparing for interview questions and answering safeguarding interview questions, it is essential to consider the importance of safeguarding and how you can protect the children in your care.

This blog provides 11 example safeguarding questions and answers to help you prepare for your nursing interview. It allows you to demonstrate your knowledge, experience, and understanding of the key child protection principles. Thank you, and we wish you the best of luck in your nursing interview and interview questions.

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